CreatorCamp Chicago 2011 (#CCord2011)
What we need
How to get in touch:
Topics and Schedule
12:00 - Arrivals & check in.
12:25 - Welcome and Opening Remarks: Neil Gorman and Mare Swallow
12:30 - Keynote Speaker: Robert K. Elder - Blackmail Yourself Into Success.
12:50 - Lauren Whalen - Finding Balance With a Day Job and Creative Pursuits
1:10 - Break
1:20 - Panel: Creativity and Prosperity During an Economic Downturn featuring Story Studio Founder Jill Pollack, Artist Lauren Levato, and Chicago Underground Library's Kate Calahan
1:45 - Break
2:00 - Andrew Huff - Finding Your Writing Voice
2:20 - Alley Maranto -The Art (and Beauty) of Screwing Up
2:40 - Darrell Roberts -- Finding Inspiration During Your Crazy Busy Life
3:00 - Table Topics - Mingle with speakers and participants
3:30 - 3:45 Wrap up and thanks - Mare and Neil
...more to come! Attendees will have the chance to talk with presenters one-on-one at Table Topics at CreatorCamp.
Please add yourself to the list if you will attend. You'll need to request access to the page here or the link at the top right of the page.
You'll be approved. We do this for spam-control, not people-control.
Once you have access, click here : <edit>, add your name to the list below and click <save>
Because space is limited, be sure to return and remove yourself from the list if you later discover you're not able to attend.
- Neil Gorman - Founder of Scholar's Tea, tea blogger, former comic book nerd, PAB evangelist
- Mare Swallow, Professional Speaker and Facilitator, blogger, and the original Etiquette Bitch.
Comments (1)
Andrew Bach said
at 12:41 pm on Apr 2, 2011
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